


MacUpdater can automatically track the latest updates of all applications installed on your Mac. Launch MacUpdater to see at a glance which of your apps are out-of-date. And with a simple click, you can update any outdated app. Don't waste any more time manually searching for updates, downloading, installing, and cleaning up. Let MacUpdater take care of it all for you!

System Requirements:

License & Cost:

MacUpdater is licensed under a proprietary license and is a free download. You can scan for updates for free, and update 10 apps for free. However, to update more than 10 apps, you need to purchase a license to unlock the full version.

Contact & Support:

The product homepage is located here:

Technical support is available only from within MacUpdater, click the "Documentation" tab in the main window and press "Contact support…".


0.) Download MacUpdater from its homepage and once it has finished downloading start it from Launchpad or your Applications folder.

1.) Upon launching MacUpdater, it will scan your Applications folder. It will display all your apps in its window. Apps that have available updates are displayed in red and can be updated with a click on the 'Update' button next to them.

2.) MacUpdater is designed to be running all the time and to periodically check your apps for available updates so that it can inform you when those become available. Therefore MacUpdater displays an icon in the menu-bar instead of the Dock by default, to save precious Dock-space. Similarly, MacUpdater is launched by default when you start up your Mac. Both of these settings can be changed from the 'Settings'-tab of MacUpdater's window if you'd rather scan on-demand. Other configurable preferences include additional scan-folders, exclude lists, backups, scan-intervals, notification settings, and more.


The filter-bar in MacUpdater's window allows the following:


MacUpdater allows you to perform several actions on each installed app, like revealing apps in the Finder, opening their homepage (if available), rescanning them, or sending feedback back to us in case something is not working as expected. All of these actions can be performed through the app-menu either


MacUpdater will inform you about all available updates to all of your installed apps. This may not always be what you want and there are several facilities available in MacUpdater that allow you to manage that:

Note, you can manage your ignored apps and updates in the settings-tab of MacUpdater. Resetting your lists of ignored apps and updates from time to time is a good idea so that you can reconsider whether previously ignored apps or updates should not be updated after all. MacUpdater will remind you periodically to clear your list of ignore-lists, but this can be turned off in the settings.


If you are wondering how many apps MacUpdater fully supports and how long it can take until the newest app versions are available from within MacUpdater, please read the corresponding FAQ entry that explains our 3 support tiers.


MacUpdater can show you additional information for each app and each update. To access the "app info window", click on the small info button in the info column (second from right). The app info button is colored differently based on the type of update available:

Gray: The app info button is gray if the app does not have an update available.

Blue: The app info button is blue if the app has a normal update available.

Red: The app info button is red if the app has a major upgrade available or there is more information about this update available. Make sure to always click the app info button if it is displayed in red before updating the app.

The app info window provides the following information:

Current Version: information about the currently installed version of the app

Newest Version: detailed information about the latest version of the app

Release Notes: if possible, you'll see what has been changed in the newest version of the app


MacUpdater has been designed so that most functions can be performed using the keyboard and shortcuts.

To select the app-list click "tab". The app list can be navigated with the up- and down-arrows. Click "tab" again to select the "search bar".

Most shortcuts to operate MacUpdater can be seen when opening the File menu:

⌘-1 and ⌘-2 toggle the Show All Apps / Show Outdated Apps toggle.

⌘-⌥-1 through ⌘-⌥-4 switch through the app filters.

⌘-I shows the app info window, the Spacebar opens the app menu, Return simulates a "double click" on the app and ⌘-Return updates the app.

Additionally, all the actions that can be performed on a selected app (Show in Finder, Open Homepage, etc) do have keyboard shortcuts. Invoke the App Menu in the lower right corner of MacUpdater to see the keyboard shortcuts.